Monday, April 16, 2012

Advice to Baruch College

I think there could be many things done to benefit Baruch College in the realm of New Media. Firstly, I think the school should better try to integrate the use of Facebook with all classes.  Perhaps a teacher could create a class group via Facebook, so all the class mates could get to know each other before and during the class. Also it would be much easier to speak and communicate in regards to projects and homework. Another way that classes could benefit from new media is if professors were to record each lecture on provide them on youtube. I think this would allow for students to better study for exams, since they could go back and replay what had happened in class that particular day.
Lastly, I think Baruch could use a combination of Twitter and Facebook to inform students of certain things, such as whether your class is cancelled that day or for a discussion board for more general questions, like a large forum where current students could seek advice from others.


  1. i agree. at this point, most people have smart phones and use Facebook as is so it would be a perfect and easy way to communicate with classmates. sometimes we don't receive emails from our professors they end up in our spam, but it would be great if professors posted on Facebook if class was going to be cancelled, etc.

  2. Yeah we have Blackboard but it's terrible and doesn't work well at all. I don't think I've heard anyone say positive things about it. I think the only problem with using Facebook for academic purposes is that there's a lot of other "distractions" there like games etc. So maybe an academic-focused social network or a separate section of Facebook would be good.
